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ACM SIGGRAPH 90 : the pioneers return to Dallas final program; film and video theater; digital image -- digital cinema : SIGGRAPH 90 art show catalog

Catalog Number





3 documents from the ACM SIGGRAPH 90 conference subtitled "The Pioneers Return to Dallas". "Final Program" lists general conference information, the technical program (courses, papers, panels), special events (educators seminar, fundamentals seminar, workshops, art show, film and video theater, animation screenings, hypermedia, special interest groups), the committees and membership, exhibition and product information. "Film and Video Theater" catalogs the works selected for the juried screenings. The Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology's "Leonardo" supplemental issue 1990 entitled "Digital Image -- Digital Cinema" contains an editorial by Thomas E. Linehan entitled "Digital Image -- Digital Cinema", catalogs the artists and works for the juried show, and includes 10 peer-reviewed articles:
Arnheim, Rudolph, "Language and the Early Cinema"
Berton, John Andrew, Jr., "Film Theory for the Digital World: Connecting the Masters to the New Digital Cinema"
Binkley, Timothy, "Digital Dilemmas"
Ester, Michael, "Image Quality and Viewer Perception"
Evans, Brian, "Temporal Coherence with Digital Color"
Jones, Beverly J., "Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins"
Kirchman, Susan, "Digital Image -- Digital Photography"
Malina, Roger F., "Digital Image -- Digital Cinema: The Work of Art in the Age of Post-Mechanical Reproduction"
Voci, Peter, "Not-Art Digital Images: An Artist's Perspective"
Wright, Richard, "Computer Graphics as Allegorical Knowledge: Electronic Imagery in the Sciences"




ACM SIGGRAPH; Pergamon Press


409 p.


Conference Proceedings


Gift of Michael Perani

Lot Number
