Artifact Details


Data strip (3)

Catalog Number



Physical object


This record contains 3 data strips that are stored in plastic cases. The clear cases have black labels on the top cover which comes off of the bottom part of the case. The black label contains the manufacturer and model number. The top of the label also has numbers printed on it, 0 through 9. On the bottom, "temperature limit -40 [degrees] F to +120 [degrees] F" is printed. The data strip on the inside is latched onto a plastic piece that holds it in place.


IBM Corporation

Identifying Numbers

Model number 2321 Found printed on the top of the case label after "IBM".
Other number 2232658 Found printed on a white sticker on the bottom right corner of the top of the case.


overall: 1/2 in x 3 1/2 in x 13 1/2 in


Memory & storage/other