Roberts, Mark oral history
Catalog Number
Mark Roberts was recruited to become the General Counsel of NACCB in the late 1990s after working as a Congressional Grants and Projects Coordinator and then practicing law in Atlanta. After two years, he was selected to be the COO of NACCB and then two years later became the CEO. He describes the reorganization of the Association recognizing the changes in the climate from focusing on fighting Section 1706 to providing education and support for the growing number of members from throughout the country. After phenomenal growth in the late 1990s (fueled substantially by the expected Y2K crisis), membership took a dramatic plunge in the early 2000s, but has been recovering over the last four years. Roberts reviews the Conference planning process and discusses the various benefits of membership including a new insurance subsidiary that they have established. He points out some of the differences of NACCB from other trade associations (geographic chapter based and more focused on smaller companies, although he has recently introduced special programs to attract larger companies as members). Roberts concludes by describing some of the current issues and future plans that NACCB is addressing.
Bugos, Glenn, Interviewer; Editor
Roberts, Mark, Interviewee
Computer History Museum
Place of Publication
Mountain View, CA, USA
25 p.
Carver Documents; Dot Com Boom and Bust; Gilman, Benjamin; H-1B Visas; independent contractor; L-1 Intercompany Transfer Visas; McLaurin, Ron; Microsoft Benefits Suit; NACCB; NACCB Chapters; NACCB Membership Benefits; NACCB Membership Criteria; Operating Practice Survey; Section 1706; Shulman, Harvey; Smith, Peggy; Vasquez, Amy; Y2K
Collection Title
Oral history collection