EMMS; Electronic Mail and Message SystemsCatalog Number
Dates: 1977-12-22 - 2001-02-09Subtitled "A twice monthly newsletter covering technology, user, product, and legislative trends in graphic, record, and microcomputer communications." Founded 1977; the title changed a few times. Our collection includes a 20th anniversary reprint of the premiere issue and most issues from 1985 to 2001.
1977: premiere issue (Dec 22, 1977)
1978-1984: none
1985: missing all before Aug 15
1986-1990: complete
(Note: Vol. 14, #17 from Sep 1990 seems missing, but the issues accidentally skip a number)
1991: complete
(Note: Vol. 15, #14 from Jul 1991 seems missing, but the issues accidentally skip a number again)
1992-1995: complete
1996 (Vol. 20): missing #1 and #8
1997 (Vol. 21): missing #3, #10, #16
1998: complete
1999: missing #3, #5
2000: complete
2001: missing all but first three issues (after Feb 9)
2002-present: none