Artifact Details


Bootstrap ROMs and ICs

Catalog Number



Physical object


Object consists of 9 ICs in a cardboard box. Handwritten on the box is, "Jay McLeman PDP8 A BOOTSTRAP ROMs + I.C.'s". Printed on the box is, "THIS BOX CONTAINS BOOSTRAP ROMS FOR USE WITH THE M 9312."

Identifying Numbers

Other number 465A2 Printed on top of IC
Other number 6300-1J 7625L Printed on top of IC
Other number 6300-1J 7731 Printed on top of IC
Other number 7217 SN74H74N Printed on top of IC
Other number 93417 PC F 7848 Printed on top of IC
Other number M 9312 Printed on the box
Other number N82S126N 7734 Printed on top of IC
Other number N82S126N 7843 Printed on top of IC
Other number N82S126N 7843 Printed on top of IC
Other number PDP8 A Handwritten on the box
Other number S7547 N 82S 126BA Printed on top of IC


in box: 1 in x 4 1/8 in x 4 1/8 in



Lot Number
