Switched-On Bach, by Wendy CarlosCatalog Number
Album contains recordings of ten pieces composed by Johann Sebastian Bach, performed on a Moog modular synthesizer. Wendy Carlos utlized an 8-track tape recording system to obtain the multiple takes and tracks required to create the layered sound of the album. Album tracks include Air on a G String; various Bach Inventions; Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring; and the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G Major.On the back cover of LP sleeve: "Electronic Realizations and Performances by Walter Carlos with the assistance of Benjamin Folkman." From the cover text describing the use of the Moog Synthesizer: "Often two pairs of hands and several feet are needed to take advantage of all that the Moog Synthesizer can do, but the instrument is constantly being improved. This album, then, is a proving ground both for the synthesizer and for our collaborative musicianship. We have tried to make our performances musically expressive, electronically idiomatic, and spiritually and musicologically faithful to Bach - conditions probably not totally reconcilable."
Circa 1968Credits
Carlos, Wendy; Trans-Electronic-Music Productions, Inc.Publisher
Columbia Records; Trans-Electronic-Music Productions, Inc.Identifying Numbers
Other number | R68-3516 | Library of Congress catalog card number |