Artifact Details


Grad, Burt (Burton) oral history : history and education, ADAPSO, Heights Information Technology Services, and CustomerCare, Inc.

Catalog Number





In this interview (one of four), Burt Grad covers four different subjects. He reviews his personal history and education. Then he discusses his work with ADAPSO, first as a representative from IBM and later when he had his own consulting practice; he reviews a number of the issues that ADAPSO dealt with and the various committees that he helped to initiate and describes many of the key people who were involved in ADAPSO and their roles in the Association. Next, he then talks about forming Heights Information Technology Services (with Luanne Johnson) which provided off-site programming support for various customers, modeled on the success of F International in the UK; he also describes how and why this business failed. Finally, he talks about CustomerCare, Inc. which published a newsletter and a survey in the software company customer service field.




Grad, Burt, Interviewee
Johnson, Luanne, Interviewer; Editor


Computer History Museum

Place of Publication

Mountain View, CA, USA


37 p.






ADAPSO; ADAPSO Roundtables; AICPA; Albert, Sam; Ances, Carol Anne; Brizdle, Barbara; Burton Grad Associates, Inc. (BGAI); Capitalization of software; Coleman, Bruce; Contracts Directory; Copyright; Crandall, Rick; Customer Care Newsletter; Customer Care Survey; Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC); Dreyer, Jerry; Dyson, Esther; Emerson, Jim; F International; FASB 86; Financial Accounting Standards Board; Financial Issues for Software; Goldberg, Jay; Goldstein, Bernie; Heights Information Technology Services; Hufft, Allen; IBM; IBM Relations Committee; Imlay, John P.; Information Technology Association of America (ITAA); Intellectual Property; International Activities of ADAPSO; Johnson, Luanne; Kane, Ed; Keet, Lee; Landry, John; Lynch, Bill; Machover, Carl; Maguire, John; Management Engineering; Maples, Mike; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Palenski, Ron; Patents; Pepsi Cola Scholarships; Phillips, Jan; Quality Management Committee; Regional Associations; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI); Revenue recognition; Roditti (Schachter), Esther; Russell, Anne; Schachter, Oscar; Schoenberg, Larry; Shirley, Stephanie (Steve); Software Industry Association; Spain, Tommy; Technical Information Services Committee; Thatcher, Richard; Trade Secret; Welke, Larry; Wessel, Milton; ADAPSO; ADAPSO

Collection Title

Oral history collection


Software Industry Special Interest Group

Lot Number
