In this 1980 interview, Grace Murray Hopper describes her entry into computing and programming, when, as a Navy officer, she was assigned to work with Howard Aiken on the Mark series of computers and its coding. She talks about her post-Navy years with John Mauchly at Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation and, subsequently the Univac division of Sperry Rand where she and her staff developed A-O, the first compiler, followed by the first English-language compiler, B-O, or Flow-Matic, the major predecessor of COBOL. And, ultimately, about her return to the Navy to work on standard languages and software, during which she continued her earlier work with CODASYL to create COBOL, i.e., business-language standards.
Made at Naval Data Automation Command
Hopper, Grace Murray, Interviewee
Pantages, Angeline, Interviewer
Pantages, Angeline, Editor
Computer History Museum
Place of Publication
Naval Data Automation Command, MD, USA
54 p.
Fellow Award Honoree; Mauchly, John; McDonald, Robert; Sperry Rand Corporation; UNIVAC; Vincent, Phil; ADABAS; Aiken, Howard H. (Howard Hathaway), 1900-1973; A-O, B-O; Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator; Baird, George; Bemer, Bob; Bloch, Richard; Bromberg, Howard; Burdette, Richard; Campbell, Robert; Center of Excellence; COBOL (Computer program language); CODASYL Database Technical Group; Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation; ENIAC (Computer); Flow-Matic; Holberton, Betty; Hopper, Grace M.; IBM; Mark I, Mark II, Mark III
Collection Title
Oral history collection
Gift of Angela Pantages Doyne