Pioneers of computing: a series of recorded interviewsCatalog Number
This series of interviews covers the development of computing in Britain and the United States, including development of chief British machines such as the Pilot ACE, the Colossus, and the Manchester "Baby." The project was led by computing scientist Christopher Riche Evans with the support of the Science Museum.The computer pioneers interviewed are: Donald W. Davies, Konrad Zuse, J Presper Eckert, Jay Wright Forrester, Tom Kilburn, John Pinkerton, Frederic Calland Williams, John William Mauchly, Andrew Donald Booth, James (Jim) Hardy Wilkinson, Arthur Walter Burks, Stanislaw Ulam, Harry D. Huskey, Ralph J. Slutz, Maxwell (Max) Herman Alexander Newman, Thomas (Tommy) Harold Flowers, Allen William Mark Coombs, C. C. Hurd, Grace Hopper, A. Porter.