Artifact Details


APL Quote Quad; Conference Proceedings

Catalog Number





APL 79; Vol. 9 no. 4 Part 1; 1979 ( 2 copies).
APL 79; Vol.9 no. 4 Part 2; 1979 ( 2 copies).
APL 81; Vol. 12 no. 1; Programming languages, 1981 ( 2 copies).
APL 82; Vol 13 no.1; Aspects of computing and facets of APL; 1982.
APL 83; Vol 13 no. 3; 1983.
APL 84: Vol 14 no 4; APL-based applications; 1984 ( 2 copies).
APL 85; Vol 15 no 4; APL and the future; 1985 ( 3 copies).
APL 86; Vol 16 no 4; APL in action; 1986 (3 copies).
APL 87; Vol 17 no 4; APL in transition; 1987.
APL 88; Vol 18 no 2; It's past, it's present, it's future; 1988 ( 2 copies).
APL 89; Vol 19 no 4; APL as a tool of thought; 1989 ( 2 copies).
APL 90; Vol 20 no 4; APL for the future; 1990 ( 2 copies).
APL 91; Vol 21 no 4; 1991.
APL 92; Vol 23 no 1; The language in common; 1992 (2 copies).
APL 93; Vol 24 no 1; Taking a closer look; 1993 (2 copies).
APL 94; Vol 25 no 1; The language and its applications; 1994 (2 copies).
APL 95; Vol 25 no 4; APL professionals and community; 1995 ( 2 copies).
APL 96; Vol 26 no 4; APL desiging the future; 1996.
APL 97; Vol 28 no 4; APL share knowledge share susccess; 1997 ( 2 copies).
APL 98; Vol 29 no 3; APL array processing lanaguage; 1998.
APL 99; Vol 29 no 2; APL on track to the 21st century;1999.
APL 2000; Vol 30 no 4;2000.
APL 2000; Vol 31 no 3; APL supplement to the proceedings;2000.
APL 01; Vol 31 no 2; APL an arrays odessy; 2001.




Association for Computing Machinery


Conference proceedings