Artifact Details


Micrologic elements : their applications in circuit design

Catalog Number





The attached article, published in EDN magazine shortly after the formal introduction of Micrologic, was unique in that it was accompanied by a flexible phonograph record describing their characteristic and applications that was bound into the publication. Donated by Jan Schink Dennison. 5 scanned pages.




Norman, Robert H.

Biographical Notes

Robert (Bob) H. Norman graduated from Oklahoma A&M University in 1954 with a B.S. in electronic engineering and math. In his undergraduate year he worked for the Sperry Gyroscope Advanced Weapon Systems Department on the application of transistors to computer design where he first conceived the idea of using transistors for memory storage. He joined Sperry full time in 1957. Fairchild co-founder Vic Grinich hired Norman to head up the device evaluation section in 1959 where he proposed and designed the DCTL circuit configuration for Micrologic the first planar IC family. He also developed and earned a patent on an early IC memory invention. Norman co-founded two pioneering MOS companies, General Microelectronics in 1963 and Nortec Electronics in 1968 and served as VP Engineering at American Microsystems Inc (AMI), Cupertino, California.


Electrical Design News

Identifying Numbers

Other number doc-4803fac071603 Deprecated ITCHP Number


5 p.



Collection Title

Information Technology Corporate Histories Collection


The author contributed to the following conference papers during his service at Fairchild:

Norman, R., Last, J. and Haas, I. Solid-state micrologic elements. 1960 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference: Digest of Technical Papers, vol. III
(1960): 82-83 (Reprinted as Fairchild TP-7).

Norman, R. Status report on micrologic elements. 51st Bumblebee Guidance Conference (1960-06) (Reprinted as Fairchild TP-10).

Norman, R. and Anderson, R. Testing of micrologic elements. Western Joint Computer Conference (1961-05) (Reprinted as Fairchild TP-18).

Lot Number
