C. Itoh ElectronicsCatalog Number
Still imageDescription
This folder contains publicity photographs of the following C. Itoh Electronics products:Serial dot matrix printers:
1550 A/B, 8510 A/B, 8510S, 8510 S/SC, 8510T, 8600;
Dot matrix printers:
1570 color, 7500 IBM PC-Compatible, 9500;
Prowriter dot matrix printers:
24LQ, C-310, C-315, C-185 Supra, C-210 XP, C-715 Reliant, 1550S, 7500E IBM PC-Compatible, 8510S, 8510BPI, 8600, Prowriter Jr., ProWriter Jr. Plus;
Daisy wheel printers:
A-10, F-10, Starwriter A10, Starwriter F10, Starwriter Y10;
Other printers:
TriPrinter/4000 serial matrix printer; C1-300 and C1-600+ matrix line printers; CIE 3000 ion disposition printer; TPX-80 color thermal printer; CX-4800 plotter printer; Model 2400 graphics plotter; Jet-Setter laser printer; LIPS 10 Plus;
Chroma Pro Cm 3000, Chroma Pro Cm 4000, ICM-14;
Computers, terminals, displays, controllers:
CIES/286 Multi-User Personal Computer System, CIE 7102 PC/AT Alphanumeric Multi-User Terminal, CIE 7801 Video Display Terminal, CIE 5000 Controller;
Floppy disk drives:
Y-380T, 3.5”, 5.25”
Large-scale LCD modules, graphics and character liquid crystal display modules.