Toilet SeatCatalog Number
Physical ObjectDescription
The object is a clear plastic toilet seat with embedded Microprocessor chips. The chips are varied in size and color . There is a metal bracket at the back, so that the lid of the toilet seat can be lifted. There are two white plastic feet on the underside of the seat, toward the front, to cushion the seat as it rests against the toilet bowl.The seat was hand crafted by Michael Slater, Principal of MicroDesign Resources (MDR).
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Registrants at MDR's Microprocessor Forum meetings from 1990 through 2000 received a binder folio of conference notes with chips from microprocessor vendors mounted under a Lucite window on the cover. Pondering how to dispose of unused chips Slater conceived a "billion dollar" toilet seat and cover to represent the vast R&D investment that went into the industry annually, much of it being spent on products that were ultimately unsuccessful, and essentially “flushed down the toilet.” He spent several months experimenting with various materials and molds before producing the artifact that became notorious after appearing in a photograph with Andy Grove and Gordon Moore of Intel.