Apple II KermitCatalog Number
Contents:One disk with handwritten label entitled "Apple UCSD Kermit RUG/PT version 1.0 : source text front KERTEX1 back KERTEX2 (P. Terpstra)";
One disk with handwritten label entitled "Apple UCSD Kermit RUG/PT version 1.0 : user files + documentation (P. Terpstra)";
January 11, 1986 letter from P. Visser, Rekencentrum der Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen, Netherlands to the Center for Comuting [sic] Activities, Columbia University transmitting two disks of a Kermit version for Apple IIe and Apple II+;
One disk labelled "Apple II Kermit version 1.0 July 25, 1986" from the Computer Center of the National Institutes of Health.