Kermit protocol and softwareCatalog Number
These folders contain the following:Kermit: A File Transfer Protocol, Frank da Cruz, 1987
EDU magazine, Winter, 1987
Application Program Package for Data Teleprocessing on Microcomputers, MicroDOS Library, Issue 47, USSR International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information, 1987 (Cyrillic)
File Transfer Program Courier - 3/KAMA, version 2.2, 1989 (Cyrillic)
Using MS-DOS Kermit: Connecting Your PC to the Electronic World, Christine M. Gianone, 1990
Using MS-DOS Kermit: Connecting Your PC to the Electronic World (International edition), Christine M. Gianone, 1990
Using Mac Kermit (unpublished), Christine M. Gianone, 1991
Using MS-DOS Kermit (2nd edition), Christine M. Gianone, 1992. Includes promotional pamphlet.
Using MS-DOS Kermit (2nd edition, alternative cover), Christine M. Gianone, 1992
MS-DOS-Kermit, das universelle Kommunikationsprogramm, Christine M. Gianone, 1992
MS-DOS-Kermit, Mode d'Emploi, Christine M. Gianone, 1992
MS-Kermit Primer (Japanese), 1993
Using C-Kermit, Frank da Cruz & Christine M. Gianone, 1993. Includes reviews.
C-Kermit: Einführung und Referenz, Frank da Cruz & Christine M. Gianone, 1994
Kermit 95, 1996
Using C-Kermit, Frank da Cruz & Christine M. Gianone, 1997
Using Mac Kermit, Christine M. Gianone, 1991 (unpublished draft manuscript)
Kermit News issues 1-6, 1986-1995 (see also 102796816)
Kermit News issue 6 lithograph proofs
MS-DOS Kermit for the IBM PC Family, Compatibles, and Other MS-DOS Computers, version 3.0, January 1990
File transfer protocols and The Source, 1986
da Cruz, Frank, Kermit User's Guide for GEM Programming, 1984