Texas Instruments Promotional Photographs of the First Hand-Held CalculatorCatalog Number
Still imageDescription
Seven promotional photographs from Texas Instruments.0375-840: First Hand-Held Calculator - 1966. Reverse has note: The breadboard for the first electronic hand-held calculator.
0190-1004. Reverse has note: Jerry D. Merryman, co-inventor of the electronic hand-held calculator, 1989.
2-2211. Reverse has note: Jack St. Clair Kilby holding up an early integrated circuit, ca. 1959.
0190-1001. Reverse has note: James H. Van Tassel, co-inventor of the electronic hand-held calculator, 1989.
0975-56. Reverse has note: The first electronic hand-held calculator, invented at Texas Instruments by Jack S. Kilby, Jerry D. Merryman, and James Van Tassel, 1967.
0375-845: TI-2500. Reverse has note: TI's first commercial electronic hand-held calculator, 1972.
0975-60. Reverse has note: Interior view of the first electronic hand-held calculator showing integrated circuit arrays, 1967.