
Catalog Search

Due to the implementation of a new Collection Management System, CHM staff will not be able to assist researchers and in-person visits until March 2025.

From magnetic tape and rare film to lab notebooks and business plans to early mainframes and source code, our collection is as diverse as the history of computing. It is a rich resource for everyone, comprising historical objects, documents, software titles, ephemera, and photographs and moving images.

Note: CHM's online catalog has been updated through January 23rd, 2025. A new and improved catalog will be launched in Summer 2025.

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Catalog contains over 151,024 records.

Result 81-86 of about 86

Burroughs 205 Handbook: Central Computer
Burroughs Corporation. Electrodata Division
Document, 1958

Datafile: A new dimension in electronic filing
Burroughs Corporation. Electrodata Division
Document, 1950-1959

Burroughs magazine advertisements
Burroughs Corporation. Electrodata Division; Burroughs Corporation
Document, ca. 1957; 1960-01

Martin Seldon Collection of IBM materials

Document, Circa 1950-1969

Human computers oral history : Marcie (Marcelline) Smith and Ruth Van Marter Wick
Computer History Museum
Document, 2005-06-06

Manuals and documentation
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC); Burroughs Corporation. Electrodata Division; Bell Laboratories; Computer Control Company; Information Sciences Institute; Lotus Development Corp.; Motorola Timesharing and Scientific Service (MTSS); University of Michigan
Document, 1959-1991