CHM's oral history program records and preserves the firsthand recollections of computing pioneers and innovators from around the world. With over a thousand in-depth interviews and demonstrations, CHM's oral history collection is one of the most comprehensive on the subjects of computing, technological innovation, web, entrepreneurship, and networking.
Personal Accounts
Personal accounts are written firsthand testimonies that cover significant events, people, or technologies related to computer history and technological innovation. Go to Personal Accounts.
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Duff, Iain S. SIAM oral history
SIAM and U.S. Department of Energy
Document, 2005-08-30; 2005-08-31
SIAM and U.S. Department of Energy
Document, 2005-08-30; 2005-08-31
Golub, Gene SIAM oral history
SIAM and U.S. Department of Energy
Document, 2005-10-22; 2005-10-23
SIAM and U.S. Department of Energy
Document, 2005-10-22; 2005-10-23