
Fairchild Patent Notebooks

Fairchild Patent Notebooks

The work contained in the Fairchild Semiconductor patent and laboratory notebooks span 1957 through the 1980s and revolutionized microelectronics, driving the explosive growth of Silicon Valley. Fairchild was founded by Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce, Jean Hoerni, Julius Blank, Eugene Kleiner, Victor Grinich, Jay Last, and Sheldon Roberts. The history-making contributions of these entrepreneurs included inventing the modern semiconductor manufacturing technology (the planar process); building the first practical integrated circuits; the invention of the low power technology CMOS; and pioneering the development of semiconductor memory.

Search Fairchild Patent Notebooks

This search will only retrieve the 207 patent notebook volumes that have been designated the most significant. To access the remaining 1127 Fairchild patent notebook titles, please search our entire catalog.

Result 441-207 of about 207